Learn by doing
Exercise-U is a learn by doing program and will promote weight loss and foundational strength. It accomplishes this by first giving you a starting point that is not overwhelming. Second each step builds on the other developing your ability to perform movements correctly. Third it is based on movements you can do in a home gym.
Starting point
Getting started in an exercise program can be overwhelming. It is quite an undertaking to go from not exercising or watching your nutrition to taking on a program, doing it properly, consistently, and at the right intensity. Add the complexity of following a diet, the grocery shopping and preparation, and it becomes more daunting than exciting.
In fact many take on a fitness program and don't perform the exercises properly. Why? Because they watch an exercise video such as beach body, and they follow along doing the best they can to do it they way they see it. While that seems like that should be ok, the reality is when we perform a movement improperly it causes the muscles to activate improperly and the joints to move improperly. Over time this trains the nervous system and body to permanently move incorrectly, creates chronic inflammation, and eventually the inflammation turns into a tear of the muscles/tendons/ligaments or injury to the joint itself.
In fact many take on a fitness program and don't perform the exercises properly. Why? Because they watch an exercise video such as beach body, and they follow along doing the best they can to do it they way they see it. While that seems like that should be ok, the reality is when we perform a movement improperly it causes the muscles to activate improperly and the joints to move improperly. Over time this trains the nervous system and body to permanently move incorrectly, creates chronic inflammation, and eventually the inflammation turns into a tear of the muscles/tendons/ligaments or injury to the joint itself.
each step builds on the other
This program begins with one exercise. The exercise is shown as to what ideal form looks like, how to do it and why it is important. It shows you how to identify what areas your form may be lacking and the causes for this deviation. Then it shows you corrective strategies or if not correctable (due to individual biomechanical differences) a proper modification. This is accomplished with downloadable videos and instructions. The following week one to two more exercises are added to the program to master. By the end of eight weeks you will have mastered the basic movement patterns (with the exception of twisting) that are the basis for most other exercises. You then have a basic program that will strengthen and trim the entire body that you can add to or that you can use to much more easily master new exercises.
What you need
This program is home based. It can be accomplished with body weight and either a set or resistance bands or a pair of dumbbells. Remember this program focuses on stability, foundational strength and weight loss. Once you complete this program you can focus on increasing the intensity. Lastly, all you pay is the premium price of FREE!
When you complete the program if you'd like to advance your training I'd be happy to offer you one of my online training programs. However, the purchase of my program is not required and if you'd like to go it alone, consider this program a gift and I wish you the very best!
When you complete the program if you'd like to advance your training I'd be happy to offer you one of my online training programs. However, the purchase of my program is not required and if you'd like to go it alone, consider this program a gift and I wish you the very best!