about journey's
Those who experience success in their fitness journey approach it like an experiment. They try different approaches, strategies and techniques. Once they’ve tried them they either keep them, or they scrap them. Whether they scrap it or keep it, they’ve learned something along the way. Over time what they’ve learned allows them to develop a handful of strategies that empower them and becomes part of their daily habits. This is how lifelong transformation occurs.
Success happens in 3 simple steps. Here’s how it works:
-1-Select a journey
-2-Receive your first email and set of workouts
-3-Correspond with your coach through the app or email
Success happens in 3 simple steps. Here’s how it works:
-1-Select a journey
-2-Receive your first email and set of workouts
-3-Correspond with your coach through the app or email
bikini/Fitmen or custom?
If you're a healthy beginner and have no past injuries nor medical conditions you might consider the Bikini Fit or Fit Men journey's. These journey's last only for 6 weeks at which time it would be recommended you subscribe to the Custom Journey (Reoccurring).
If you've had past injuries, have medical conditions, need something more advanced or have accepted fitness is a life-long journey it's recommended you subscribe directly to the Custom Journey (Reoccurring). In both cases you receive workouts and coaching. However, the custom journey's workouts are custom to your situation and your coaching is ongoing whereas the Bikini Fit and Fit Men workouts are pre-written and coaching ends after 6 weeks.
If you've had past injuries, have medical conditions, need something more advanced or have accepted fitness is a life-long journey it's recommended you subscribe directly to the Custom Journey (Reoccurring). In both cases you receive workouts and coaching. However, the custom journey's workouts are custom to your situation and your coaching is ongoing whereas the Bikini Fit and Fit Men workouts are pre-written and coaching ends after 6 weeks.