Tool #1- Topic Video
The above is a sample. Each Monday a new topic video is sent. These topic videos are free from outside influences. I do not sell or get commission on supplements or other services. My income comes strictly from clients for the service I provide. I keep it that way because that ensures you can trust my loyalty is strictly to you and a quality service.
Tool #2- comprehensive app/workouts
This app has a lot of functionality. This sample video just gives a snap shot of it. This is where the workouts can be accessed. If you prefer you can access them from your computer or even print them off. You can also send me a message right from the app (although you can also text or email me).
Tool#3- strategy e-mail
Similar to the topic video these go out every week, typically on a Friday. The purpose of these emails is to illustrate different strategies that could be implemented. Perhaps you find a strategy and you tweak it to your specific circumstances, or it sparks another idea or strategy entirely.
Tool#4- coach access
So here's my ugly mug lol. You can read a more detailed BIO here if you prefer. In addition to the weekly topic videos, strategy emails, and comprehensive app/workouts, you also have access directly to me. You probably hear coaches and trainers talk about their certifications. My experience and education goes far beyond this, but again, if you'd like to know more about my qualifications click the BIO link, or feel free to send me a message.