The fitness world is largely unregulated and often you find self-professed personal trainers, life coaches, and wellness coaches who have little to no formal training or education. The internet is inundated with the next guru, and the internet is full of the next "big thing". The next "big thing" or rather one that is gaining more attention is the emerging field of the wellness coach and/or life coaches. While these terms and fields are emerging and developing there are a few things to keep in mind. First, and most importantly keep in mind, it is not the term of wellness coach, but rather do they possess the skills to help you set, and meet your goals. So titles do not hold importance. Second, the field of wellness coaching is unlike a nutritionist. In most states it is illegal to use the name "nutritionist" unless you are licensed by the state. However, there are no such requirements when it comes to wellness coaching. Anyone can call themselves a wellness coach, and there are no requirements they have to adhere to. It is common for those who are part of the various MLM herbal supplement companies to call themselves a wellness coach. Some of these people may or may not have the skills in nutritional counseling, but they most likely do not have the skills to take a wholistic approach and knowledge in the emotional, physical, and environmental realms, nor the actual science, and scientific approach credible wellness coaches have. NEED HELP reaching your goals? GET YOUR QUESTIONS ANSWERED! Lastly, wellness coaching does have scientific backing. It is not therapy, and it does not claim to have the answers. What it does claim to be is non-judgemental, and insightful. It is through meaningful conversations and exercises that the coach becomes able to help the client clear the mental clutter that is not just blinding them to what they want to accomplish, but what is in their path, and what needs to happen in order to begin moving forward. In a Nutshell:
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